Apr 25·edited Apr 25Liked by Benjamin Morse

As a 100% Ashkie, I thank you for your fury, sarcasm, and sorrow. That's all I can think of to say.

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Apr 24Liked by Benjamin Morse

"And what’s the point if no one lights themselves on fire?" Molotovs and matches for everyone!

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Matches are the stuff that Only One Solution Intifada Revolutions are made of.

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Napalm the settlers. Long overdue.

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"Smells like victory" - the Yamnaya

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LOL. luv that phrase too

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Apr 26Liked by Benjamin Morse

Hamas is heavily supported by Iran. Have any of these college protesters looked in any way at the government of Iran? Here are a few quotes from Wikipedia.

"Iran's human rights record is exceptionally poor. The Iranian government is undemocratic, has frequently persecuted and arrested critics of the government. severely restricts the participation of candidates in elections and political activities. Sexual activity between members of the same sex is illegal and is punishable by death."

"A group of UN experts in 2022 urged Iran to stop "systematic persecution" of religious minorities, adding that members of the Bahá'i Faith were arrested, barred from universities, or had their homes demolished."

"During the late 20th and early 21st centuries in Iran, women's rights have been severely restricted, compared with those in most developed nations. The World Economic Forum's 2017 Global Gender Gap Report ranked Iran 140, out of 144 countries, for gender parity."

"(In 1962) a law that gave women limited voting rights, allowing them to vote in local elections, was passed. Khomeini believed that such power for women was comparable to prostitution. Khomeini led protests about women's voting rights that resulted in the repeal of the law."

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They probably consider it colonialist and racist to criticise the Iranian regime. 🙄

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Apr 28Liked by Benjamin Morse

Duuuuude…you almost lost me in the first sentence when you used the phrase “holding space for” which triggers the living shit out of me. I’m so glad I persisted because this is worthy of Woody Allen. (I hope that’s not too Ashkenormative but I don’t know any Sephardic or Mizrachi genius comedic filmmakers with the possible exception of the Safdie brothers.)

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I applaud you for “doing the work” and maintaining your commitment to intentionality by continuing to read.

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May 8Liked by Benjamin Morse

The combined iq of everyone in this pic is minus 100.


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May 17Liked by Benjamin Morse

"I mean, sometimes family can be useful, like when your dad covers your legal fees so you don’t get sentenced for killing an elderly couple in a car crash". wow, that is some dad! my parents wouldn't even cover a bounced check fee for me LOLOL

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May 5Liked by Benjamin Morse

Brilliant! Thank you for the engrossing commentary. Your sarcasm is beyond compare…

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Thank you 🙏

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

This is brilliant, but the gibbering morons this is aimed at would agree with every word. Also, I think the person in the picture directly to the right of Rep. Omar (D-Hamas) is misidentified. The person in that picture is the Letitia James intern, but she is not the one who killed the elderly couple when she was 16. That is Isabel Jennifer Seward, whose father is a UPS executive: https://nypost.com/2024/04/21/us-news/columbia-protester-who-killed-elderly-vermont-couple-in-crash-should-be-in-jail-not-on-campus-furious-family-says/

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Thank you so much for the tip. Will fix it!

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This hateful rhetoric does not belong here. I hear your pain and I hear your hatred. You are harming yourselves and those around you,. Please take yourselves off this platform and dump on .X instead if you can’t act in a more constructive way that can lead towards a more peaceful and less destructive solution.

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Apr 29Liked by Benjamin Morse

"First cast out the beam out of thine own eye", and figure out why anyone on the far left stands for the most sociopathic and sadistic far-right Islamist terrorists of Hamas. The people who have made the US and specifically universities far less peaceful, and specifically full of anti-Jewish racism, are the fools of the academic left, and their useful idiots in the progressive camp.

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Please don’t use that word “queer.” A lot of us had friends who were murdered or their teeth knocked out while that “beautiful reclaimed” umbrella term for people who have nothing to do with each other was yelled over and over by their assailants.

Don’t fall for the bullshit.

I’m 7/8 Ashkenazy but was raised Christian and went atheist one Sunday morning at age eleven.

Sephardic Jews are second class citizens in Israel and the culture has degraded shockingly. Israel is a big fucking problem that we’d better do something about soon.

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Folx perspectives like yours must be heard for us to truthfully understand history through the lens of intentional justice.

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If you were raised Christian you aren't Ashkenazi Jewish, alright?

You don't know much about Israel, obviously. Second class citizens? What decade is your brain stuck in? That statement is about as timely and pertinent as "Black Americans can't vote in the Jim Crow South". The only problem we have is anti-Jewish racists like yourself who try to (without merit) Jew-wash their statements. You ain't Jewish, and you're an antisemite.

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